War Diary and Action Reports November 1942,

                                   November 30, 1942.

From:          Senior Officer Present, U.S.S. WALKE (DD416).
To  :          Commander South Pacific Force.

Subject:       Report of Action U.S.S. WALKE (DD416) November 15,

Reference:     (a) Art. 712, U.S.N.R.

Enclosure:     (A) Revised Muster of U.S.S. WALKE.

     1.        Task Force 64 engaged the enemy off Savo Island on the 
night of November fourteenth - fifteenth.  Our force formed in
column in the following order: WALKE, BENHAM, PRESTON, GWIN,

     2.        Wind was slight.  Conditions of visibility were
in general poor due to enemy position close against shorelines
of Savo and Guadalcanal Islands.  Radar ranges accurately
obtainable only when enemy drew away from close island back-

     (3)       Estimated order of events follows, as all logs
and records went down with the ship.  The formation as described
streamed on course 150 True between Florida and Savo Island until
approximately 0020, reducing speed from 23 to 17 knots in search
of reported enemy.  0020 turned to course 270 True.  0030 Follow-
ing action of WASHINGTON and SOUTH DAKOTA this ship opened fire
to starboard on visible target believed to be cruiser with single
racked stack.  Continued rapid fire on this target for two
minutes with Fox Dog Radar range 11,000 yards.  Target appeared
to blow up under heavily concentrated fire.  Our formation in-
creased speed to 26 knots.  0032 checked fire and shifted
target to apparent enemy destroyer bearing one point on star-
board bow.  Resumed rapid fire at range 7500 yards by Radar.
Apparent straddles clearly visible followed by heavy black
smoke.  Flames were reported on target as she disappeared
behind the northwest point of Savo Island.  0037 checked fire
to shift target to port hand flashes of gunfire off Guadalcanal.
Resumed rapid fire.  Numerous gun flashes visible on starboard
hand.  0037 U.S.S. PRESTON blew up astern.  0039 attempted to
shift torpedo battery from Curved Fire Ahead setup to Broadside
Fire to Starboard when a heavy explosion occurred in the vicinity
of frame 45 to starboard.  Ship had been straddled twice by gun-
fire immediately prior to this explosion caused by torpedo whose
wake was observed.  Following initial explosion the ship was
struck by an apparent cruiser salvo.  Shell hits were reported
in the Radio Room, on the foremast, blew the gig davits, and in
the vicinity of gun three.  The explosion blew the forcastle
and a section of the superstructure deck completely off as far
aft as the bridge.  Fire broke out throughout the forward section
and the forward 20 M.M. magazine exploded.  The bulkhead of the 
forward fireroom was buckled, as was the main deck amidships.
All engines were ordered stop immediately and the Commanding
Officer gave word to abandon ship, which was sinking fast by
the head.  Only two life rafts were left in condition to be
freed.  Depth charges were doubled checked and reported set on
safe.  At 0042 the ship disappeared stern last.  The bow, detached,
remained afloat.  At 0043 an unknown number of our depth charges
exploded, killing and seriously injuring many of the men in the
water.  The crew was organized in the water, the most seriously 
injured being placed on the rafts.  At approximately 0200 an
enemy submarine surfaced close aboard the rafts and illuminated
all survivors for several minutes, but proceeded without incident.
An enemy destroyer later illuminated survivors on the detached
bow.  There was much shouting from this vessel, but she also
proceeded without taking action.  Survivors were sighted and
signaled at dawn by friendly planes.  The U.S.S. MEADE was
observed throughout the morning of November 15th firing on
beached enemy transports.  U.S.S. MEADE commenced picking up
survivors with aid of boats and cruiser aircraft at 1400.
151 survivors were landed at Tulagi, where 6 died from wounds
received in action.  Total killed or missing in action: 6
officers and 76 men.

     4.        During the action the U.S.S. WALKE expended 
approximately 300 5 inch anti-aircraft common projectiles.
Gun three stood by through the action for illumination by star-

     5.        The courage and coolness of the entire crew was
excellent throughout the action and the difficult period in the 
water.  Morale and cooperation was so high on the part of all
officers and men that it is impossible to cite any individual
above the group for exceptional heroism.

                                       W. J. COLLUM Jr.
                                       Lieut. U.S. Navy.

Copies to:
     C.T.F. 64 
     Comdesron 2

                                                    November 30, 1942.

From:        Senior Officer Present. U.S.S. WALKE (D416).

Subject:     Revised Muster U.S.S. WALKE. (D416).

    1.       The enclosed muster of the U.S.S. WALKE is correct to
the best of my knowledge as of November 30, 1942.

                                                W. J. COLLUM Jr.
                                                Lieut. U.S. Navy.

                SURVIVORS FROM U.S.S. WALKE (DD416)

                     KILLED IN ACTION

NAME & INITIALS                RATE             SERVICE NO.
BRUMLEY, Charles William       RM3c             295-73-96
MALENOSKY, Frank David         Sea1c            223-65-51
POPPLEWELL, Wilbur Herbert     QM2c             287-29-87
WYOOFF, Daniel Howell, Jr.     SK2c             311-31-87
VAHLKAMP, Unknown              SF3c             UNKNOWN


CLARKE, Irwin Rittor           CMM(PA)          242-50-12
DOUGHERTY, Anthony William     F1c              243-69-24
HERMAN, Ludwig Lawrence        CMM(PA)          341-41-42
WATSON, Elmer Leroy            CY(AA)           375-66-50
LARSON, Unknown                FC3c (believed)  UNKNOWN
WOODS, John Joseph             F1c              223-64-82

                      MISSING IN ACTION

FRASER, Thomas Edward          Commander        1906
BACHRACH, Alan                 Ensign (DV(C)    USNR
LACHMUND, Edwin                Ensign (DV(C)    USNR
MULVANITY, Francis Creighton   Ensign           USN 
GEYER, Norman Byron            Lieutenant MCV(G) USNR
GAULT, Alfred Wortley          Carpenter        USN
ATKINNSON, Edison Bay          Sea1c            262-98-27
BAKER, Walter Joseph           Cox              223-64-93
BODIE, William Levi            CBM(PA)          214-72-99
BURNNET, Charles Thomas        Sea1c            272-38-95
BUSSARD, John Riley            CBM(PA)          336-37-37
CARON, Normand Joseph          SC2c             201-71-42
CLARK, Walter Everett          MM2c             204-46-38
COLBURN, Wesley Winship        MM2c             201-65-86
COTTEN, Wiley Orlando          Sea2c(V-6)       616-68-10
DECKER, Alvin Herbert          SF1c             367-92-82
DESJARLAIS, Henry Arthur       Sea1c            321-60-30
Dennett, "J" "X"               Sea2c            UNKNOWN
Galindo, Unknown               Sea2c(believed)  UNKNOWN
DUCUSIN, Antonio Umel          Matt3c(V-6)      663-37-48
DUKE, Raymond Hamilton         PhM2c            268-30-12
ELLIS, Loyd Rosevelt           OC1c             242-27-96
ESTIBAL, Felix Limos           Matt3c(V-6)      633-84-61
FOLEY, John Willing            FC3c(M)          243-77-17
FINLAY, Thomas Jr.             CM2c              243-76-47
GAERTNER, Eugene Thomas        FC3c(M)          234-30-16
GALBRAITH, James William       F1c              238-51-98
HARRISON, Herbert Leroy        FC1c(M)          337-14-55
HAWES, Charles Albert          F1c              311-40-48
JANZEKOVICH, Leo (n)           Sea2c(V-6)       618-47-51
KACIN, Wadislaw (n)            CM2c             212-34-58
KELBER, Julius Joseph          BM1c             201-27-27
KIDD, Jay Dee                  Sea1c(V-6)       636-09-44
LAND, Dale Emery               Sea2c(V-2)       633-43-13
LEIGHTON, John Crozier         F1c              224-29-31
LEONARD, Ralph Carroll         GM3c             258-38-11
LONDEREE, Sidney Herbert Jr.   Sea1c            266-51-15
MAHANEY, Garrett "T"           F2c(V-6)         640-05-28
MARTELLE, George Joseph Jr.    F1c              201-83-20
MARTIN, Shuble Williams        Sea1c(V-6)       658-06-98
MAYBERRY, Grady Henry          Sea1c            268-72-17
MILLER, James "A"              F2c              274-74-19
MIMS, Randall Ray              Sea1c            269-00-17
MOORE, Colon Shelby            Sea1c            272-76-34
PATTERSON, "K" "C"             Matt1c           296-05-57
REEVES, John Frederick         EM1c             401-33-86
ROLLEN, Roy Leonard            OC2c             321-21-20
ROSS, "ED" Gerald              SC3c             311-70-10
SAWYER, Glenn Calvin           Sea1c            382-61-55
SHIRLEY, Frank Howard          FC1c(R)          262-37-52
SOZA, Mike George              Sea1c            382-61-54
STEINERT, Herbert              MM2c             337-29-32
TAYLOR, Harold Carleton        MM1c             258-10-59
USRY, Homer Leon               F3c              360-60-01
VANDER VEER, Dick Richard      Sea2c(V-6)       664-05-12
WALSH, Leo William             Sea2c(V-6)       664-38-87
WARREN, George Buford          Sea2c(V-6)       630-20-84
WEBSTER, John Thomas           Fc3c(M)          379-79-63
WEDER, "W" "E"                 F3c(V-6)         UNKNOWN
WELCH, Earl Hermond            CCS(AA)          201-33-11
WELSH, ANDREWW Joseph          MM1c             228-23-95
WILLIAMS, Frank Michael        SOM3c(V-6)       680-10-47
WILLINGHAM, "W" "N"            Sea2c            356-65-01
WILLIS, Billy (n)              Sea1c            656-10-94
WILSON, Charley Herman         Sea2c            382-61-34
WIMMER, Orman Rudolph          F2c(V-6)         636-11-19
WISEMAN, Richard Francis, Jr.  MM2c             243-67-78
WISSEL, Walter Frank           Sea1c(V-6)       633-39-83
WOOD, William Andrew           Sea1c            266-54-21
GRREN, "A" "D"                 Matt2c           UNKNOWN


NAME & INITIALS                RATE             SERVICE NO.

ALEXANDER, Franklin Paul       Sea1c.            287-53-66
ALEXANDER, Marion Edgel        Sea1c.            287-51-55
BAKER, Franklin Richard        F1c.              311-67-02
Berry, Robert Earl             Sea2c.            347-06-59
BIANCO, Charles John           SM3c.             243-69-22
BOGUE, William Orange Jr.      MM2c.             268-44-19
BROWN, Johnie Howard           F2c(V-6)          640-41-26
BULMAN, Donald Cameron         F1c.              201-71-41
BURROUGHS, "G" "W"             GM3c.             272-39-02
CHAMBLISS, William (n)         EM3c              295-73-83
CLARK, Charles Allison         TM3c.             295-73-88
COLE, Floyd James              F1c.              272-39-16
DeWITT, George William         MM1c.             223-51-87
DICKENS, Claud Wesley          Sea2c.(V-6)       604-50-32
FORMAN, Floyd Eugene           TM3c.             243-77-35
FRIED, James Francis           Sea1c             400-92-70
GAGNE, Fred (n)                CWT(AA)           210-79-28
GRAHAM, Kenneth Edgar          Som3c.            238-64-02
GREGORY, William Leslie        BM2c.             265-69-11
HASS, William Louis            GM2c.             223-65-43
HATCHER, Charles Anthony Jr.   CWT(AA)           380-49-61
HENDERSON, Paul Lee            F1c.              258-05-51
KEE, Kenneth Russell           Sea2c.            283-56-97
LAIDEY, Robert Allen           RT1c.(V-6)        320-91-81
LILLIE, Jordon Watten          Sea2c.(V-6)       624-62-53
LUCAS, John Samuel             GM3c.             256-35-99
MALONE, Olin Caver             TM3c.             274-74-29
MARTIN, John Henry             Sea1c.            274-74-02
MASSEY, Morris Muldrew         Sea1c.            274-74-12
MAUPIN, Robert William         Sea2c.(V-6)       663-14-95
MAXWELL, Roy Edward            Sea1c.            269-00-64
McBRIDE, John Matthew          Sea1c.            224-41-03
McCLINCHEY, Louis James        Sea1c.(V-6)       662-10-15
McLACHLAN, William Thorburn    Sea1c.(V-6)       646-06-37
McLEAN, Richard Nelson         F3c.(V-6)         553-00-56
McNealy, Charles Edgar         F2c.              266-54-08
NORTON, Clifford Green         EM1c.             316-26-07
PACIFICAR, Prodito (n)         Matt3c.(V-6)      663-36-80
PIERCE, Charles Fred Jr.       Sea2c.(V-6)       624-97-35
PORTER, Jentry Stancill        TM2c.             262-59-37
REITH, Paul Robert             Sea2c.            276-21-08
SHOCKLEY, John Anger           RM3c.(V-3)        410-97-80
SIECK, Elmer Francis           F1c.              321-59-62
SPENCER, Lawrence Edward       Sea2c.            382-97-97
STANDEFER, Raymond Deparmer    F3c.(V-6)         640-41-21
STRICKLAND, Jack Parker        MM1c.             268-18-69
SWISHER, James Arthur          Sea2c.            382-61-38
THOMASON, William Floyd        CPhm(AA)          261-70-06
TUDOR, Lawrence Lee            GM3c.             300-38-51
VASZKO, Charles (n)            MM2c.             283-31-96
VERNUM, Burton Edward          SC3c.             238-79-45
WHITTAKER, Robert Earl         Sea2c.            243-98-33
WILLIAMS, Cloyd Harry          F1c.              283-31-95
WRIGHT, Charles Edmond         Sea1c.(V-6)       644-07-03

        Petty Officers in charge:- GAGNE, MATCHER AND THOMASON


NAME & INITIALS                RATE             SERVICE NO.

ADAMS, Aubrey (n)              Sea2c.(V-6)       616-67-81
AIKIN, Irving Joseph           FC2c.             243-69-27
CLEMENTS, Julian Thomas        SC2c.             272-15-09
DRISKELL, William Myrtice      Sea2c.            360-57-31
FATTORISSO, Thomas James       F1c.              223-94-55
FERREIRA, John Martin          Coxswain          291-82-87
GOSS, Herbeirt (n)             WT1c.             375-59-75
GOSSETT, Ruby (n)              F1c.              300-38-69
HARTY, William Joseph Jr.      CTM(AA)           243-43-67
HEIM, Innooence Ludwin Jr.     SC2c              243-69-23
KENNY, Henry Lee Jr.           F3c.              382-98-99
KORNAGAY, David William        F2c.              262-98-07
LAND, Melvin La Vern           Sea2c.(V-2)       633-43-19
LARSON, Lewis Kent             F3c.(V-6)         555-57-83
LOS, Stanley John              SM3c.             201-71-51
LOWMAN, Winder Spessard        WT2c.             371-97-01
McDERMOTT, James Edward Jr.    MM2c.             243-64-20
McDONALD, Edgar Jr.            Sea2c.            212-73-09
MEEGAN, Henry Francis          Sea2c.            202-02-90
PETRECCA, Michael (n)          CMM(AA)           206-49-31
PETTY, Robert Doyle Jr.        Sea2c.(V-6)       624-97-24
PINION, James Agburn           Sea2c.(V-6)       604-50-03
SIEGWALD, John Morral          F2c.              311-40-26
SMITH, James Harold            Sea2c.(V-2)       640-42-13
SPURLOCK, Elwood (n)           F2c.              382-61-53
SUDALL, John Erwin             F1c.              316-76-30
THOMSPON, James Alpha          RM1c.             258-11-28
TRELLA, Paul Joseph            F1c.              250-54-30
TRELLA, Peter                  Cox.              250-56-56
UPTON, John Chapel             Sea1c.            382-61-43
Upton, William Edward Jr.      Sea2c.            202-02-68
URBANY, Edwin James            RM2c.             250-54-31
WEST, William Harrop           MM2c.             279-65-74
WILLIAMS, Richard Wayne        Sea2c.            372-39-73
WILLINGHAM, Harold Edward      Sea1c.(V-6)       636-09-52
WILSON, Carl Martin            Sea1c.(V-2)       656-10-85
WINDERS, William Earl          CM3c.             287-52-36
WOJCIEHOWICZ, Julian Charles   FC2c.(M)          223-65-81
WOODARD, David Oliver          F2c.              268-98-02
WRIGHT, De Forrest Jay         Sea2c.            311-83-29
YOUNG, William Frederick       Sea1c.            262-98-49
SULLIVAN, "J" "E"              Unknown 
MITCHELL, "P" "R'              Unknown
INIMAN, Paul                   Unknown
SMITH, Frederick Joseph        CQM(PA)           200-54-58
PETTY Officer in Charge: - 
                           William J. Harty
                           Frederick J. Smith


NAME & INITIALS                RATE             SERVICE NO.

MC CARTY, James John           Sea1c             225-41-36
LINDSAY, Willey Junior         Sea2c(V-6)        604-07-13
GOODENOW, Authur Gates         Sea1c             234-30-08
HALL, Marvin Gene              NM3c(V-3)         410-56-66
SMYTH, James Ellis             Sea1c             393-61-42
BEHRENS, George Theodore       DM2c(V-6)         648-03-49
REEVES, Arthur Sidney          TM1c              223-30-68
VALENTO, Joseph Phillip        Sea1c             300-28-80
WALSH, John Andrew             Lt(jg)(DV(G))     USNR
COLLUM, William John Jr.       Lieut.            6059
ADAMS, William Hargis          Ensign            USN
SHAW, Claude Buford            Lt(jg)            USN
COULTER, Leon Arthur           MM1c              310-72-65

Officer in charge:-   Lieutenant C OLLUM, W. J. JR.


NAME & INITIALS                RATE             SERVICE NO.

AYERS, Stanley Erwin           WT2c              223-46-32
SPEUDA, Kenneth Lee            CCM(AA)           320-80-86
LLOVE, John Edward             Sea2c             262-97-02
ZDYE, Leo (n)                  Sea1c             238-79-39
CLOVIS, Thomas Herbert         SM1c              375-69-33
BAKER, Oscar (n)               WT2c              395-17-04
LANGDON, Hubert Gomes          WT1c              271-84-57
WINTHROW, Ralph Charles        Rmkr 2c           279-65-76
SWAFFORD, Robert Joseph        Sea1c             342-41-77
HOLLOWAY, Martin Arthur        Y3c               207-25-48
COOK, Aron Stephen             Warrant Radio Electrician
CROPPER, Vincent Albert        Y2c               243-69-32
GRASSO, Albino (n)             SOM3c(V-6)        662-56-91
KIMBALL, Floyd Charles         CWT(PA)           341-53-74
HAMMONDS, John Dowling         MM1c              346-59-19
ZIEGLER, Marland John          Sea1c             243-98-03
ANDERSON, Berrion Palmer Jr.   Ensign DV(S)      USNR
CHANDLER, Marland Hewes        Ensign DV(S)      USNR
NUMBO, Veloris Raymond         F1c               337-56-07
WEEDEN, Melwert Charles        F1c               300-38-44
ALEXANDER, Russell "C"         MM2c              279-59-54

  Officer in charge:-   Ensign CHANDLER, M. H.,  U.S.N.R.


MAKEIG, Daniel Clare           Lieut(jg)DV(G)    USNR
CONLEY, John Joseph            Cox               290-84-50
MC TAGUE, Gerald Peter         Sea2c(V-6)        650-05-08
OLLIS, Samuel Allen            Sea1c(V-6)        656-10-64


SKELIG, James Joseph           Lieut(jg) EV(G)   USNR
MC CANN, Charles Henry         MM1c              212-41-51
SMITH, David Paul              MM2c(V-6)         632-09-12
SPEARMAN, Roscoe Paul          CFC(AA)           291-37-10
SWIFT, Vernon Floyd            F3c               382-99-19
HUTCHENS, Frederick Lowell     Y3c(V-6)          411-30-23    

Information on the WALKE

History of the U.S.S. WALKE DD 416
  The second Walke (DD-416) was laid down on 31 May 1938 at the Boston 
Navy Yard; launched on 20 October 1939, sponsored by Mrs. Clarence 
Dillon, grandniece of the late Rear Admiral Walke, and commissioned on 
27 April 1940, Lt. Comdr. Carl H. Sanders in command.

  Following fitting-out and engineering trials, Walke took on board 
torpedoes, warheads, and exercise warheads at the Naval Torpedo 
Station, Newport, R.I., on 25 June and sailed for Norfolk, Va., on the 
following day. She reached Norfolk on the 27th and there embarked 2d 
Lt. Donald B. Cooley, USMC, and 47 enlisted marines for transportation 
to the heavy cruiser Wichita (CA-45) then in South American waters. 
Later that same day, in company with Wainwright (DD-419), Walke got 
underway for Cuba.

  After fueling at Guantanamo on 4 July, Walke got underway for Rio de 
Janeiro, Brazil, at 0658 on the 6th, again in company with Wainwright. 
Enroute, the destroyers were diverted to the mouth of the Surinam 
River, where Walke took on board an appendicitis patient from 
Wainwright for passage to Paramaribo for medical attention. After 
transferring the patient, Pvt. Lawrence P. Coghlan USMC, ashore, Walke 
got underway for Para, Brazil where she fueled before pushing on for 
Rio de Janeiro.

  Walke and Wainwright reached Rio on 19 July Walke then transferred 
her marine passengers half of the heavy cruiser's marine detachment to 
Wichita while Wainwright transferred hers to Quincy (CA39). Due to 
unsettled conditions in the area, the two cruisers were in South 
American waters "showing the flag" and evidencing strong American 
interest in the "good neighbors" south of the border.

  Still operating in company with her sistership, Walke visited Rio 
Grande del Sol, Brazil; Buenos Aires, Argentina; Santos and Bahia, 
Brazil, and made a return call to Buenos Aires before rendezvousing 
with Quincy and Wichita on 15 August. Walke took on board mail 
freight, and embarked passengers from Wichita before getting underway 
and steaming via Bahia and Guantanamo Bay to the Boston Navy Yard 
where she arrived on the morning of 4 September. Walke underwent 
post shakedown repairs for the rest of that month and all of October 
before she joined the United States Fleet as a unit of Destroyer 
Division 4, Destroyer Squadron 2, Patrol Force. In mid-November, she 
served as the vehicle for degaussing tests under the auspices of the 
Naval Ordnance Laboratory at Solomons Island, Md. Returning to Norfolk 
upon the conclusion of those tests, Walke set her course southward on 
2 December, bound once more for Guantanamo Bay.

  Walke's active service had begun in the spring of 1940 when Germany 
was unleashing her military might in Norway and the lowlands of 
western Europe to turn the so-called "Phony War" into the blitzkrieg 
which swept across northern France, driving British troops off the 
continent and knocking France out of the war. The resulting 
establishment of a new government in that country, more favorable to 
Germany, aroused fear in Allied and neutral circles that French 
fighting forces particularly French warships, might be placed in 
German hands. Walke would have a role in seeing that this unfortunate 
development would never take place.

  After fueling at San Juan on the 6th the destroyer got underway on 
the afternoon of the following day on "Caribbean Patrol" in company 
with sistership O'Brien (DD-415). Rendezvousing with Moffett (DD-362) 
and Sims (DD-409) off Fort de France, Martinique, Walke and O'Brien 
patrolled the approaches to that port, keeping an eye on the movements 
of the Vichy French warships, the auxiliary cruisers Barfleur and 
Quercy and the aircraft carrier Beam through 14 December Walke then 
visited Port Castries, British West Indies on the 15th and embarked 
Comdr. Lyman K. Swenson Commander, Destroyer Division 17, who hoisted 
his pennant in her that day.

  Walke put into Guantanamo Bay on 19 December and remained there into 
the new year, 1941, moored in a nest with Prairie (AD-15), undergoing 
upkeep. In ensuing weeks, Walke operated in the Guantanamo Bay 
Gonaives Haiti, areas, conducting battle and torpedo practices 
engaging in a full slate of the training exercises assigned such ships 
in those areas. She then shifted to Fajardo Roads, Puerto Rico, and 
operated from there through mid-March.

  Walke then sailed north and arrived at Charleston S.C., on 20 March 
for a period of repairs and alterations that lasted into May. She 
touched briefly at Norfolk between 10 and 13 May before reaching 
Newport R.I. her base for the better part of the year on the following 

  Walke then patrolled off the Atlantic coast between Norfolk and 
Newport well into June as the Atlantic Fleet's neutrality patrols were 
steadily extended eastward, closer to the European war zone. She 
departed Newport on 27 July and screened a convoy to Iceland, reaching 
Reykjavik on 6 August and turning toward Norfolk the same day, her 
charges safely delivered.

  The destroyer subsequently returned to those northern climes in mid 
September after local operations in the Newport-Boston area reaching 
HvalfJordur on 14 September. She operated in Icelandic waters into 
late September, before she put into Argentia, Newfoundland, on 11 
October, en route to Casco Bay, Maine. She began an overhaul at the 
Boston Navy Yard on 25 November and completed it on 7 December, the 
"day of infamy" on which Japan attacked Pearl Harbor and thrust the 
United States into war in the Pacific. Departing the yard on that day, 
Walke reached Norfolk on 12 December, via Casco Bay, and remained 
there until the 16th when she sailed for the Panama Canal and the 

  After reaching San Diego, Calif., on 30 December, Walke sailed with 
the newly formed Task Force (TF) 17, bound for the South Pacific, on 6 
January 1942, screening Yorktown (CV-5) as that carrier covered the 
movement of reinforcements for the Marine garrison on American Samoa. 
The convoy subsequently arrived at Tutuila on 24 January. However, TF 
17 remained in Samoan waters for only a short time, for it soon sailed 
north for the Marshalls Gilberts area to deliver the first offensive 
blow to the enemy, only eight weeks after the bombing of Pearl Harbor.

  Walke served in the antisubmarine screen and plane guarded for 
Yorktown as that carrier launched air strikes on suspected Japanese 
installations on the atolls of Jaluit, Makin, and Milli. Although 
Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, the Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet 
(CinCPAC), considered the raids "well-conceived, well planned, and 
brilliantly executed," the damage they actually caused was not as 
great as reported, and, outside of the boost they gave to American 
morale, the attacks were only a minor nuisance to the Japanese. 
Nevertheless, the American Fleet had finally taken the war to the 

  Returning to Hawaiian waters on 7 February, Walke trained in the 
Hawaiian area until 27 February, when she sailed for the Ellice 
Islands. She later exercised with TF 17 off New Caledonia in early 
March before she sailed, again screening Yorktown, for the New Guinea 
area, as part of the force put together to check Japanese expansion in 
that area.

  By that time, the enemy advance to the southward, in the New Guinea-
New Britain area, had gained considerable momentum with the occupation 
of Rabaul and Gasmata, New Britain; Kavieng, New Ireland, and on sites 
on Bougainville in the Solomons and in the Louisiades. By the end of 
February 1942, it seemed probable that the Japanese were planning to 
mount an offensive in early March. TF 11 and TF 17 were dispatched to 
the area. Vice Admiral Wilson Brown, in overall charge of the 
operation, initially selected Rabaul and Gasmata, in New Britain, and 
Kavieng, in New Ireland, as targets for the operation.

  Walke then screened Yorktown as she launched air strikes on Tulagi 
in the Solomons on 4 May and later separated from that carrier with 
the "Support Force" the Australian heavy cruiser HMAS Australia, a 
light cruiser HMAS Hobart, and the American destroyers Farragut (DD-
348) and Perkins (DD 377) to protect the southern mouth of the Jomard 
Passage. On the afternoon of 7 May, Japanese Aichi D3A1 "Val" 
divebombers attacked the formation, but the heavy antiaircraft fire 
thrown up by the ships caused the enemy to retire without scoring any 

  An hour after the "Vale" departed, however, Japanese twin-engined 
bombers appeared and made a torpedo attack from dead ahead. Again, a 
heavy volume of antiaircraft fire from Walke and the other destroyers 
peppered the skies. Five bombers splashed into the sea, and no 
torpedoes found their mark on the Allied ships. Later, 19 high 
altitude bombers passed over, dropping sticks of bombs that splashed 
harmlessly into the water. Antiaircraft fire proved ineffective, due 
to the high altitude maintained by the planes. However, the last group 
of planes were apparently American planes. The force commander, Rear 
Admiral John G. Crace, Royal Navy, swore that the planes were B-26's; 
Walke's commander, Comdr. Thomas E. Fraser, subsequently reported them 
to be B-17's. In any event, it was fortunate that the bombardiers were 
not too accurate.

  On 7 March, Allied intelligence learned that a Japanese surface 
force including transports lay off Buna, New Guinea. On the following 
day, Japanese troops went ashore at Lae and Salamaua, New Guinea, and 
secured those places by noon.

  Three days later, Yorktown and Lexington launched air strikes 
against the newly established Japanese beachheads at Lae and Salamaua. 
The attack took the enemy by surprise. The planes from the two 
American flattops came in from over the Owen Stanley Mountains and 
inflicted damage on ships, small craft, and shore installations, 
before they retired.

  Walke remained at sea with the Yorktown task force into April. 
Detached to escort Ramsay (DM-16) and Sumner (AG-32), the destroyer 
reached Suva, in the Fiji Islands, on 19 April and got underway the 
next day, bound for the Tonga Islands. Reaching Tongatabu on the 22d, 
Walke fueled from Kaskaskia (AO-27) before she underwent boiler 
repairs and loaded depth charges prior to her return to TF 17.
Detached from the group because of a damaged starboard reduction gear, 
Walke headed to Australia for repairs and reached Brisbane on 12 May. 
Upon completion of the work on 29 May, the destroyer ran trials in the 
Brisbane River before being pronounced fit for service and sailed for 
New Caledonia on 9 June.

  Arriving at Noumea on 13 June, Walke fueled there before proceeding 
via Tongatabu to Pago Pago, Samoa. Assigned to Task Group (TG) 12.1, 
the destroyer sailed on 26 June for Bora Bora in the Society Islands. 
With the dissolution of TG 12.1 on 11 July Walke then reported for 
duty to Commander, TG 6.1 the commanding officer of Castor (AKS-1). 
She then escorted Castor to San Francisco, Calif., arriving there on 2 

On 7 August, while Walke was undergoing repairs and alterations at the 
Mare Island Navy Yard, the United States Navy wrested the initiative 
in the war from Japan by landing marines on Guadalcanal in the Solomon 
Islands. In ensuing months, the armed forces of the two nations 
struggled mightily for control of that island chain. The contest soon 
developed into a logistics race as each side tried to frustrate its 
opponent's efforts to reinforce and supply his forces fighting on 
Guadalcanal while doing all in his power to strengthen his own. 
Walke's future was to be inextricably tied to the almost daily and 
nightly American air and naval attempts to best the Japanese in their 
thrusts down "The Slot," the strategic body of water which stretches 
between the two lines of islands which make up the Solomons chain and 
lead to Guadalcanal.

  Completing the yard work on 25 August, Walke ran her trials in San 
Francisco Bay and that day received orders to proceed to San Pedro, 
Calif., to rendezvous with the oiler Kankakee (AO-39) and escorted her 
from the west coast of the United States via Noumea New Caledonia to 
Tongatabu, arriving there on 9 September. The destroyer later escorted 
a convoy consisting of Kankakee, Navajo (AT-64), and Arctic (AF7) f 
rom Tongatabu to Noumea, where she prepared for action in the 

  About sunset on 13 November, the day after the Naval Battle of 
Guadalcanal began, Walke sortied with TF 64 which was built around the 
fast battleships Washington (BB-66) and South Dakota (BB-57) and 
besides Walke was screened by Preston (DD-377), Gwin (DD-433), and 
Benham (DD-397). By late in the forenoon on the 14th, TF 64 had 
reached a point some 50 miles south-by-west from Guadalcanal.

  Sighted by the enemy who reported them as one battleship, one 
cruiser, and four destroyers the American warships spent most of the 
day on the 14th avoiding contact with enemy planes. From the 
information available in dispatches, the commander of the American 
task force, Rear Admiral Willis A. Lee, knew of the presence of three 
groups of enemy ships in the area, one of which was formed around at 
least two battleships. Proceeding through the flat claim sea and 
disposed in column formation with Walke leading, the American ships 
approached on a northerly course about nine miles west of Guadalcanal.

  Lee's ships continued making their passage, picking up Japanese 
voice transmissions on the radio while the ships' radar "eyes" scanned 
the darkness. At 0006 on 15 November, Washington received a report 
that indicated the presence of three ships, rounding the north end of 
Savo Island, headed westward. Almost simultaneously the flagship's 
radar picked up two ships on the same bearing.

  Ten minutes later, Washington opened fire with her 16-inch guns; 
and, within seconds, South Dakota followed suit. Walke opened fire at 
0026, maintaining a rapid barrage at what probably was the Japanese 
light cruiser Nagara. After checking fire within a few minutes, the 
lead destroyer opened up again at a Japanese destroyer 7,500 yards to 
starboard and, later, at gun-flashes off her port side near 

  Japanese shells straddled Walke twice, and then a "Long Lance" 
torpedo slammed into her starboard side at a point almost directly 
below mount 52. Almost simultaneously, a salvo of shells from one of 
the Japanese light cruisers hurtled down upon the hapless destroyer, a 
deluge of steel that struck home with devastating effect in the radio 
room, the foremast, below the gig davits, and in the vicinity of mount 
53, on the after deckhouse. Meanwhile the torpedo had blown off the 
bow of the ship; and fire broke out as the forward 20-millimeter 
magazine blew up.

  With the situation hopeless, Comdr. Thomas E Fraser, Walke's 
commanding officer, ordered the ship abandoned. As the destroyer sank 
rapidly by the bow, only two life rafts could be launched. The others 
had been damaged irreparably. After the crew made sure that the depth 
charges were set on safe; they went over the side just before the ship 
slipped swiftly under the surface.

  As Washington dueling with the Japanese battleship Kirishima and 
smaller ships swept through the flotsam and jetsam of battle, she 
briefly noted Walke's plight and that of Preston, which had also gone 
down under in a deluge of shells. At 0041 just a minute or so before 
Walke's battered form sank beneath the waves of the waters off Savo 
Island into "Ironbottom Sound" life rafts from the battleship splashed 
into the sea for the benefit of the survivors. Although the 
destroyer's depth charges had apparently been set to "safe," some 
depth charges went off, killing a number of swimming survivors and 
seriously injuring others. As the battle went on ahead of them, the 
able-bodied survivors placed their more seriously wounded comrades on 

  Walke's survivors were, at one point, in two groups some clinging to 
the still floating bow section and others clustered around the two 
rafts that ship had been able to launch. During the harrowing night, 
they were twice illuminated by enemy warships but not molested, before 
the enemy switched off his searchlights and moved on.

  At dawn, however, Walke's survivors and those from Preston witnessed 
the end of a quartet of Japanese transports beached during the night. 
Bombed and strafed by Army, Marine, and Navy planes including aircraft 
from "The Big E" Enterprise (CV-6) the four Japanese ships received 
the coup de grace from Meade (DD-571) that morning, just before the 
destroyer altered course and picked up the destroyer men from Walke and Preston.

  Meade rescued 151 men from Walke, six of whom later died after they 
were brought ashore at Tulagi. Six officers including Comdr. Fraser 
and 76 men had died in the ship's fiery end off Savo Island. She was 
struck from the Navy list on 13 January 1943.

Walke received three battle stars for her World War II service.

Sims Class
Completed - 1939 - 40

DD 409 SIMS 
DD 418 ROE


   1,570 tons (stand)
   2,300 tons (Mean War Service)
Length: 348' (oa)
Beam: 36
Draft: 18' (max)


4 5"/ 38 DP
3 40mm singles
2 40mm twins
4 20mm
2 DC tracks
4 DC projectors
2 21" TT (quads)


Speed: 35 knots (max)
Max. Cruising radius:
  2,200 miles @ 25 knots 
  4,700 miles @15 knots
Horsepower: 50,0000 (shaft)
Drive: 2 screws; geared turbine
Fuel: 489 tons oil (max)


  Slightly longer and wider than the ELLET's, the SIMS Class are otherwise 
very similar.

  They were lengthened to accommodate a fifth 5"-gun which was subsequently
replaced by additional light AA batteries.  The torpedo tubes are given high,
center-line mounts.  As the last American one-stack destroyers, they mark a 
transitional stage in development between the basic CUMMINGS-GRIDLEY design
and the BENSON-FLETCHER group that followed.

War losses include:

SIMS (DD409)
BUCK (DD420)

Links to other web-sites with information on the

To learn more about the U.S.S. WALKE Please visit these Web-site
Destroyer History Foundation
NavSource Online  Has photos of DD-416


Mail any comments or questions to Scott Davis All right reserved ©
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