AMPIBIOUS FORCE 

Serial 09                                December 1, 1942

From:         Commander Transport Division Two.
To  :         Chief of Naval Operations (Office of Naval Records
              & Library).

Subject:      War Diary for period from 4 to 30 November 1942, 

Reference:    (a) Pacific Fleet Letter 11L-42.

Enclosure:    (A) Copy of subject War Diary.

    1.        In accordance with reference (a), a copy of the War 
Diary of Commander Transports Division Two, Amphibious Force, South
Pacific Force, is forwarded herewith as enclosure (A).

                                        I. .N KILAND.

Cc: Cincpac (with enclosure)

                               WAR DIARY

                         SOUTH PACIFIC FORCE.

    From:  4 November 1942         To:  30 November 1942.

    Copy to:
      Chief of Naval Operations (Office of Naval Records
      and Library).
      Commander-in-Chief Pacific Fleet.

                             PACIFIC FORCE

Organization:       (AP37) PRESIDENT JACKSON, Flagship
                    (AP38) PRESIDENT ADAMS
                    (AP39) PRESIDENT HAYES
                    (AP40) CRESCENT CITY
                    (AK26) ALHENA

4 November 1942

            Captain Ingolf N. Kiland, U.S. Navy, was relieved this 
            Date as Commanding Officer, USS CRESCENT CITY, by Captain
            John R. Sullivan, U.S. Navy, at Noumea, New Caledonia. 
            In accordance with BuPers mailgram 221336/Sept, reported
            to Commander Transport Group, Amphibious Force, South
            Pacific Force, for duty as Commander Transport Division 
            Two by despatch 040200/Nov.

            Comsopac, Comamphibforsopac, and Comderronsopac present
            at Noumea, New Caledonia.  Ships of Transdiv 2 present
            in Dumbea Bay: PRESIDENT JACKSON, CRESCENT CITY and 
            ALHENA.  ALHENA in a damaged condition as a result of 
            having been torpedoed by enemy submarine on September 29,
            1942.  PRESIDENT JACKSON and CRESCENT CITY engaged in
            loading with troops and equipment.

0120  1220  Flag of Comtransdiv 2 was shifted from CRESENT CITY to
            PRESIDENT JACKSON in accordance with Comamphibforsopac
            dispatch 161032/ Oct to OpNav.

            Major William Chalfant, III, U.S. Marine Corps Reserve,
            who reported for duty on Staff of Comtransdiv 2 on 
            October 7, 1942, now present and on board PRESIDENT 

            Comtransdiv 2 made call on Comamphibforsopac and reported
            having been relieved as Commanding Officer, CRESENT CITY,
            and having shifted flag to PRESIDENT JACKSON; also made 
            call on Comserronsopac in connection with arranging for
            orders of enlisted personnel of Staff.

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

5 November 1942


            Comtransdiv 2 in PRRESIDENT JACKSON anchored in Dumbea 
            Bay, Noumea, New Caledonia, with CRESCENT CITY and ALHENA
            present.  Comsopac, Comamphibforsopac, and Comserronsopac
            present in Great Bay.

            PRESIDENT JACKSON and CRESCENT CITY engated in loading
            and troop landing exercises.

            Certain enlisted personnel of Staff were transferred
            from CRESCENT CITY to PRESIDENT JACKSON in accordance
            with orders of Comserronsopac.

            Comtransdiv 2 called on Comsopac and made arrangements
            for transfers of officer personnel to Staff.

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

6 November 1942


            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON anchored in Dumbea
            Bay, Noumea, New Caledonia, with CRESENT CITY and 
            ALHENA present.  Comsopac, Comamphibforsopac, and 
            Comserronsopac present in Great Bay.

            PRESIDENT JACKSON and CRESENT CITY engaged in loading
            personnel and equipment and conducting troop landing

            Lieutenant Levin J. McLeod, D-V(G), U.S. Naval Reserve,
            detached from CRESENT CITY and reported on board as 
            Communication Officer of the PRESIDENT JACKSON with 
            additional duties on Staff of Comtransdiv 2.

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

7 November 1942


            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON anchored in Dumbea
            Bay, Noumea, New Caledonia, with CRESCENT CITY and ALHENA
            present.  Comsopac, Comamphibforsopac, and Comerronsopac
            present in Great bay.

            PRESIDENT JACKSON and CRESCENT CITY engaged in troop
            landing exercises.

            Lieutenant (jg) Curtis H. Bradford, D-V(G), U.S. Naval
            Reserve, and Ensign Andrew E. Leonas, D-V(G), U.S. Naval
            Reserve, detached from CRESCENT CITY and reported on
            board for duty on Staff of Comtransdiv 2 as Communication
            Watch Officers.  Lieutenant (jg) Dott E. Zook, Jr., U.S.
            Navy, detached from HORNET and reported on board for duty
            on Staff of Comtransdiv 2 as Signal Officer.  Above 
            officers reported in accordance with orders of Comsopac.

2110  0810  PRESIDENT ADAMS stood in and later went alongside quay
            in inner harbor to load troops, equipment and supplies.

            ALHENA got I  tow of SANOMA for Sydney, Australia.
I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

8 November 1942


            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON anchored in Dumbea
            Bay, Noumea, New Caledona, with PRESIDENT ADAMS and 
            CRESENT CITY present in Great Bay.

            Received Comamphibforsopac mailgram 070917/Nov (Op-Plan
            A23-42), which established Task Force 67, Rear Admiral
            Turner in command.

            Comtransdiv 2 as Commander Task Group 67.1, issued 
            Operation Order No. 2-42 (enclosure (A)) for Transport 
            Group 67.1 and Landing Group 67.2.

0035  1135  PRESIDENT ADAMS shifted berth from quay in inner harbor
            to anchorage in Dumbea Bay.

            embarked Marine replacements for Guadalcanal.

0500  1600  Transdiv 2, consisting of PRESIDENT JACKSON, PRESIDENT 
            ADAMS and CRESENT CITY, got underway in accordance
            with Comtaskfor 67 despatch 072332/Nov and stood out of

0500  1630  Comtaskfor 67 in McCAWLEY joined and transports formed
            column astern in order McCAWLEY, CRESENT CIT, PRESIDENT
            JACKSON and PRESIDENT ADAMS standing out of channel.
            Speed 13 knots.  Screening group, consisting of JUNEAU
            and destroyers BARTON, OBANNON, and MONSSEN, preceded
            transports, PORTLAND following astern.

0711  1811  Cleared Bulari Passage.

0718  1818  Task Force formed cruising disposition AC-1.  Comtaskfor
            67 in McCAWLEY, OTC and guide.  Transports in center of
            disposition with McCAWLEY and CRESENT CITY in right 
            column, PRESIDENT JACKSON and PRESIDENT ADAMS in left
            column intervals 1000 yards, distance 600 yards.  Cruisers
            and destroyers took designated stations n screen.  Set
            course 245°, standard speed 13.5 knots.  Condition of
            Readiness as set by OTC.

0900  2000  Position flagship 22-30 S, 166-00 E.

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

9 November 1942


            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON steaming in company
            with Task Force 67 in cruising disposition AC-1.  
            Comtaskfor 67 in McCAWLEY, OTC and guide.  Course and axis
            303°, standard speed 13.5 knots.  Task Force zigzagged from
            dawn until after dark.  Courses as signaled by OTC, 
            following designated route to Guadalcanal.  Condition of
            Readiness as set by OTC.

2100  0800  Position flagship 21-02 S, 165-45 E.

0100  1200  Position flagship 20-25 S, 163-14 E.  Course 305°, speed
            12.69 knots made good since departure previous day.

0300  1400  Conducted anti-aircraft training exercises with PORTLAND 
            aircraft simulating high, horizontal and dive bombing
            and torpedo attacks on transports and screening vessels.
            Firing simulated.

0900  2000  Position flagship 18-55 S, 162-39 E.

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

10 November 1942


            Comtransdiv 2 in RESIDENT JACLKSON steaming in company
            with Task Force 67 in cruising disposition AC-1.  
            Comtaskfor 67 in McCAWLEY, OTC and guide.  Course and axis
            005°, standard speed 13 knots.  Task Force zigzagged
            according to plan 8 from 0445 to 1643.  Courses as 
            signaled by OTC, following designated route to 
            Guadalcanal.  Condition of Readiness as set by OTC.

2300  0800  Position flagship 16-27 S, 162-32 E.

0100  1200  Position flagship 15-40S, 162-37 E.  Course 353°, speed
            12.33 knots made good since 1200 previous day.

0145  1245  Changed course and axis to 010°.

0655  1755  Received by dispatch-boat Comtaskfor 67 serial 00386
            which contained instructions for future operations.
            These instructions based on dispatch information of the
            enemy received by Comtaskfor 67.

0900  2000  Position flagship 14-08 S, 162-54 E.

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

11 November 1942


            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON steaming in company
            with Task Force 67 in cruising disposition AC-1.
            Comtaskfor 67 in McCAWLEY, OTC and guide.  Course and axis
            010°, standard speed 13 knots.  Task Force zigzagged
            according to plan 8 from 0500 to 1625.  Courses as 
            signaled by OTC, following designated route to 
            Guadalcanal.  Condition of Readiness as set by OTC.

1835  0535  Changed course and axis to 330°.

1951  0651  Received Comtaskfor 67 serials 00388 and 00389 by 
            dispatch-boat.  Serial 00388 modified instructions for
            future operations of Task Force 67; serial 00389 modified
            unloading plan.  These instructions were based on dispatch
            information of enemy received by Comtaskfor 67.

2100  0800  Position flagship 11-42 S, 162-5 E.

2212  0912  Sighted friendly plane bearing 340°.

2246  0946  Changed course and axis to 285°.

0049  1149  Sighted enemy plane bearing about 245°.

0100  1200  Position flagship 11-16 S, 162-16 E.  Course 355°, speed
            12.99 knots made good since 1200 previous day.

0246  1346  Made emergency turn 45° to left on signal from OTC.  This
            turn was away from sound contact signaled by SHAW on
            starboard bow.

0318  1418  SHAW dropped depth charges bearing 030°, distance
            about 6 miles, and continued hunt.

0341  1431  Changed course and axis to 305°.

0605  1705  SHAW rejoined screening formation.

0730  1830  Changed course and axis to 358°.

0900  2000  Position flagship 10-27 S, 161-07 E.

1204  2304  Changed course and axis to 333°.

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

12 November 1942


            Comtaskgroup 67.1 (Comtransdiv 2) in PRESIDENT JACKSON
            steaming in company with Task Force 67.  Ships of Task
            Group 67.1 in column in order: McCAWLEY, CRESENT CITY,
            PRESIDENT JACKSON PRESIDENT ADAMS; distance 600 yards,
            speed 13 knots.  Five destroyers in submarine screen
            ahead, on flanks and stern.  Course various heading
            towards Lengo Channel to Transport Area off Guadalcanal.
            Comtaskfor 67 in McCAWLEY, OTC and guide.

1412  0112  Destroyer of screen reported submarine or other object
            on surface off starboard beam of formation and proceeded
            to attack.  Several depth charges were dropped, after
            which destroyer rejoined formation.

1600  0300  All ships went to General Quarters, and then to Condition

1620  0320  Formation entered Lengo Channel.

1832  0532  Arrived in Transport Area about 100 yards offshore near
            Kukum to westward of Lunga Point.  Transports anchored
            and immediately commenced debarking troops, ammunition,
            rations, equipment and supplies.

            BETELGEUSE and LIBRA entered area about one-half hour
            later and commenced discharging cargo to eastward of Lunga

            Cruisers and destroyers of Support Group 67.4 and 
            destroyers of anti-submarine Screening Group 67.3 formed
            anti-aircraft, anti-submarine and anti-surface screen out-
            board of Transport Area.

1849  0549  (about) One destroyer of screen carried out depth charge
            attack about 2 miles distance from transports.

1943  0643  Shot from enemy shore battery fell in vicinity of 

2028  0728  HELENA commenced shelling enemy on shore to westward of 
            Tassafarong and Transport Area.  This shelling was 
            continued by HELENA and several destroyers throughout the
            day.  Twenty-five enemy landing boats were reported 
            destroyed by one destroyer.

2308  1008  Seven torpedo bombers approached the Transport Area in a 
            low flying formation.   Fire was opened on these planes
            by ships of the screen and later they were fired upon by
            some of the transports until friendly character was
            observed as they turned off from a direct approach.
            Fortunately no hits were apparently made.

0218  1318  Received information from Shore Station, Cactus, that 30
            enemy planes were approaching Cactus Area.  Ships were
            directed to get underway to repel air attack by Comtaskfor

0225  1325  Got underway and transports and cargo ships formed in two
            columns: McCAWLEY, CRESCENT CITY and LIBRA in left column,
            column; interval 1000 yards, distance 600 yards.  Course
            and axis 340°, standard speed 14 knots.  Cruisers and
            destroyers formed anti-submarine and anti-aircraft screen
            around transport formation; interval about 1000 yards.

0311  1411  About 19 enemy torpedo planes were observed flying low
            over eastern end of Florida Island and approaching the 
            formation.  At this time formation was maneuvering by
            90° turns as signaled from OTC.  Planes approached in a
            loose formation, some turning towards rear and right 
            flank, others ahead.  When within gun range, screening
            vessels opened fire followed shortly thereafter by all
            ships as planes came within range.

            Due to accuracy and volume of fire, the attack was broken
            up.  No torpedoes were observed to be dropped.  Gun action
            lasted about five minutes, during which time at least 8
            enemy planes were shot down in flames into the sea.

0317  1417  (about) Firing ceased with all enemy planes shot down or 
            out of range.  Formation was maneuvered back to the 
            Transport Area and unloading operations were resumed at
            about 1520. (See enclosure (B).

0545  1645  Received Comtaskfor 67 despatch 120539/Nov /directing
            ships to be ready in all respects to get underway and 
            depart from area at 1830 (Mike).

            Ships received about 100 wounded evacuees from Cactus,
            and PRESIDENT JACKSON received 28 seriously burned 
            casualties from SAN FRANCISCO prior to departure.

            Transports left 6 boats and boat crews each at Cactus.

0730  1830  Transports and Aks got underway and formed column on 
            McCAWLEY in following order: McCAWLEY, CRESCENT CITY,
            LIBRA.  Speed 14 knots.  Five destroyers formed anti-
            submarine screen ahead, on flank and one astern.

            Cruisers and destroyers of Support Force proceeded ahead
            to search for and clear possible enemy surface forces in
            Indispensable Strait.

0900  2000  Position flagship 09-23 S, 160-15 E.

            Transport Group continued steaming in column at 14 knots
            on various courses through Lengo Channel and to the south-
            west, passing within 7 miles to the westward of San
            Cristobal Island.  Five destroyers acting as anti-
            submarine screen.

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

13 November 1942

            Comtaskgroup 67.1 (Comtransdiv 2) in PRESIDENT JACKSON
            steaming in company with Task Force 67, plus BETELGUESE
            and LIBRA, cruising in column, distance 600 yards.
            Comtaskfor 67 in McCAWLEY, OTC and guide.  Course and
            axis 163°, standard speed 14 knots.  Task Force zig-
            zagged according to plan 8 from 0518 to 2300.  Courses
            as signaled by OTC, following designed route to Espiritu
            Santo, New Hebrides.  Condition of Readiness as set by 

            division column with guide on port beam of McCAWLEY,
            interval 1000 yards.

2100  0800  Position flagship 11-26 S, 162-01 E.

0100  1200  Position flagship 11-58 S, 162-34 E.  Course 137°,
            speed 13.28 knots made good since departure previous

0200  1300  PRESIDENT JACKSON conducted burial at sea ceremony for
            6 enlisted men, who were received the previous day in
            a seriously burned condition, from the SAN FRANCISCO.
            All ships half-masted colors during ceremony.

0900  2000  Position flagship 13-02 S, 163-43 E.

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

14 November 1942

            Comtaskgroup 67.1 (Comtransdiv 2) in PRESIDENT JACKSON
            steaming n company with Task Force 67, plus BETELGUESE
            and LIBRA.  Comtaskfor 67 in McCAWLEY, OTC and guide.
            Transports and AK's in cruising formation with McCAWLEY,
            CRESCENT CITY and BETELGUESE in right column, PRESIDENT 
            JACKSON, PRESIDENT ADAMS and LIBRA in left column,
            interval 1000 yards, distance 600 yards.  Courses as 
            signaled by OTC, enroute to Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides.
            Task Force zigzagging according to plan 8 from 0445
            to 2355.

1720  0420  Sighted HELENA, SAN FRANCISCO and two destroyers on
            port beam, distance 15 miles.

2100  0800  Position flagship 14-17 S, 165-52 E.  Changed course
            and axis to 110°.

2130  0830  U.S.S. BUCHANAN detached this task group to report
            for duty as escort with Helena Task Group.

0100  1200  Position flagship 14-16 S, 166-32 E.  Course 120°, speed
            11.92 knots made good since 1200 the previous day.

0330  1430  PRESIDENT JACKSON conducted burial at sea ceremony for
            one enlisted man, who was received on October 12 in a
            seriously burn condition, from the SAN FRANCISCO.
            All ships half-masted colors during ceremony.

0900  2000  Position flagship 14-35 S, 167-57 E.

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

15 November 1942

            Comtaskgroup 67.1 (Comtransdiv 2) in PRESIDENT
            JACKSON steaming in company with Task Group 67,
            plus BETELGUESE and LIBRA.  Comtaskfor 67 in McCAWLEY,
            OTC and guide.  Transports and AK's in cruising 
            formation with McCAWLEY, CRESCENT CITY and BETELGUESE
            in right column, PRESIDENT JACKSON, PRESIDENT ADAMS
            and LIBRA in left column, interval 1000 yards, distance
            600 yards.  Courses as signaled by OTC, enroute to
            Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides.

1740  0440  Challenged by two friendly destroyers bearing 065°.

1750  0450  Exchanged recognition signals with patrol craft PC 476
            outside entrance to Espiritu Santo bearing 250°,
            distance 6 miles.

1840  0540  Passed Bogacio Island to port and entered mine swept

1928  0628  Anchored with Task Force 67 in assigned berths at
            Espiritu Santo.  Numerous ships present including
            U.S.S. CURTIS flagship of Comairsopac (SOPA).

2000  0700  Task Force 67 dissolved by Commander Task Force 67
            dispatch 142000.

2200  0900  Called on Comforsopac.

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

16 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON anchored in Espiritu
            Santo, New Hebrides, CRESCENT CITY and PRESIDENT ADAMS
            present.  Comamforsopac and Comairsopac (SOPA) present
            in harbor.  PRSIDENT ADAMS and CRESCENT CITY engaged
            in unloading.

0745  1845  Received Comtaskfor 62 dispatch 16042 forming Task
            Group 62.6, Consisting of McCAWLEY, CRSCENT CITY,
            and SOUTHARD, and giving sailing dates and route from
            Button to White Poppy.

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

17 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON anchored in Espiritu
            Santo, New Hebrides with CRESCENT CITY and PRESIDENT
            ADAMS.  Comairsopac (SOPA) and Commander Task Force 62
            in McCAWLEY present in harbor.

1905  0605  Underway from Espiritu Santo in company with Task
            Group 62.6.  Commander Task Group 62.6 in McCAWLEY
            OTC and guide.  Courses as signaled by OTC, following
            designated route to Noumea, New Caledonia.  Standard
            speed 13 knots, in column as follows: McCAWLEY,
            O'BANNON and SOUTHARD proceeded Transports out of

2010  0710  Formed double column with McCAWLEY and CRESCENT CITY
            in right column and PRESIDENT JACKSON and PRESIDENT
            ADAMS in left column, interval 1000 yards, distance
            600 yards.  O'BANNON and SOUTHARD took up screening
            stations on left and right bows respectively.

2025  0725  Commenced zigzagging according to plan 8.

2100  0800  Position flagship 14-38'S, 167-19'E.

0100  1200  Position flagship 16-16'S, 167-51'E.  Course 139°, speed
            12.14 knots made good since departure from Espiritu 
            Santo, New Hebrides.

0900  1200  Position flagship 170-42'S, 167-32'E. 

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

18 November 1942

            Steaming with Task Group 62.6 enroute from Espiritu
            Santo, New Hebrides to Noumea, New Caledonia.
            Commander Task Group 62.6 in McCAWLEY, OTC and guide.
            Courses as signaled by OTC, following designated
            route to Noumea.  Standard speed 13 knots.  In double
            column formation as follows: McCAWLEY, CRESCENT CITY
            in right column, and PRESIDENT JACKSON, PRESIDENT ADAMS
            in left column; interval 1000 yards, distance 600 yards.
            O'BANNON and SOUTHARD screening on left and right bows,

1730  0430  Commenced zigzagging according to plan 8.

2100  0800  Position flagship 20-02'S, 167-07'E.

0100  1200  Position flagship 20-49'S, 168-18'E.  Course 175°,
            speed 12.17 knots made good since 1200 previous day.

0252  1352  Held General Quarters for A.A. firing practice.

0305  1405  Commenced firing exercise as set forth in Commander
            Task Group 62.6 dispatch 180020.

0900  2000  Position flagship 22-22'S, 168-15'E. 

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

19 November 1942

            Steaming as before with Task Group 62.6 enroute from 
            Espiritu Santo, New Hebrides to Noumea, New Caledonia.
            Commander Task Group 62.6 in McCAWLEY, OTC and guide.
            Courses as signaled by OTC, following designated
            route to Noumea.  Standard speed 13 knots.  In double
            column formation as follows: McCAWLEY, CRESCENT CITY
            in right column, and PRESIDENT JACKSON, PRESIDENT ADAMS
            in left column; interval 1000 yards, distance 600 yards.
            O'BANNON and SOUTHARD screening on left and right bows,

1715  0415  Commenced zigzagging according to plan 8.

2100  0800  Position flagship 220-40'S, 166-26'E.

2126  0826  Assumed single column.

2141  0841  Entered Bulari Passage and followed mine swept channel
            to anchorage.

2339  1039  Anchored in Dumbea Bay, Noumea, New Caledonia.  Numerous
            ships of the U.S. Fleet present. 

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

20 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON with PRESIDENT ADAMS
            and CRESCENT CITY anchored Dumbea Bay, Noumea, New 
            Caledonia.  Comtransgroupamphibforsopac and 
            Comamphibforsopac present.

0500  1600  Representatives of the 132nd regiment U.S. Army came on
            board to arrange for loading troops and equipment in
            ships present of Transdiv 2. 

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

21 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON with PRESIDENT ADAMS
            and CRESCENT CITY anchored Dumbea Bay, Noumea, New
            Caledonia. Comtransgroupamphibforsopac and 
            Comamphibforsopac present.

2100  0800  In accordance Comsopac's dispatch 200637 Nov.,
            Lieutenant Rodney J. Badger reported on board for duty
            on staff of Comtransdiv 2 as Flag Secretary.  Staff
            Comtransdiv 2 now complete as follows: Lieutenant
            R.J. Badger, Flag Secretary.  Lieutenant L.J. McLeod,
            Communication Officer.  Lieutenant (jg) C.H. Bradford,
            Communication Watch Officer.  Lieutenant (jg) D.E.
            Zook, Signal Officer.  Ensign A.E. Leonas, Communication
            Watch Officer.  Major William Chalfant III Marine
            Officer, Ships Clerk.  R.B. Garrison, Flag Clerk. 

I.N.K.                                          WILLIAM CHALFANT, III,
                                                  Major, U.S.M.C.R.

22 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON with PRSIDENT ADAMS
            and CRESCENT CITY anchored Dumbea Bay, Noumea, New
            Caledonia.  Comtransgroupamphibforsopac and 
            Comamphibforsopac present.

2010  0710  PRESIDENT ADAMS underway, proceeding to Grand Quay to
            load troops and equipment. 

I.N.K.                                    R.J. BADGER,          
                                      Lieutenant, U.S. Navy,
                                         Flag Secretary.

23 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON, and CRESCENT CITY
            anchored Dumbea Bay, Noumea, New Caledonia.  PRESIDENT
            ADAMS moored Grand Quay loading,
            Comtransgroupamphibforsopac and Comamphibforsopac present.

1900  0600  CRESCENT CITY proceeded to Grand Quay to load troops
            and equipment.  PRESIDENT ADAMS, loaded, and proceeded
            to anchorage Dumbea Bay. 

I.N.K.                                    R.J. BADGER,          
                                      Lieutenant, U.S. Navy,
                                         Flag Secretary.

24 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON and PRESIDENT ADAMS
            anchored Dumbea Bay, Noumea, New Caledonia.  CRESCENT
            CITY loading Grand Quay.  Comtransgroupamphibforsopac and
            Comamphibforsopac present.

1800  0500  CRESCENT CITY, loaded, proceeded to anchorage Dumbea
            Bay, PRESIDENT JACKSON, underway, proceeded to Grand 
            Quay for loading of troops and equipment. 

I.N.K.                                    R.J. BADGER,          
                                      Lieutenant, U.S. Navy,
                                         Flag Secretary.

25 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON moored to Grand Quay,
            Noumea, New Caledonia, loading troops and equipment.
            CRESCENT CITY and PRESIDENT ADAMS anchored in Dumbea
            Bay, New Caledonia.  Comtransgroupamphibforsopac and
            Comamphibforsopac present.

1900  0600  PRESIDENT JACKSON, loaded, proceeded to anchorage Dumbea
            Bay.  Transports this division PRESIDENT JACKSON,
            PRESIDENT ADAMS and CRESCENT CITY completed loading with 
            132nd Regiment U.S. Army and additional medical and bakery

2000  0700  Comamphorsopac shifted flag from McCAWLEY to ARGONNE.

0200  1300  Commanding Officers present of Transport Division 2
            held conference with Division Commander concerning
            expected operations.  Scheduled signal drills for
            ships present of this division postponed because of
            rain.  All Transports of Division 2 present conducted
            debarkation exercises. 

I.N.K.                                    R.J. BADGER,          
                                      Lieutenant, U.S. Navy,
                                         Flag Secretary.

26 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON, PRESIDENT ADAMS
            and CRESCENT CITY anchored Dumbea Bay, Noumea,
            New Caledonia.  Comtransgroupamphibforsopac and
            Comamphibforsopac present.

0200  1300  Ships present this division held signal drill and
            debarkation exercises. 

I.N.K.                                    R.J. BADGER,          
                                      Lieutenant, U.S. Navy,
                                         Flag Secretary.

27 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON, PRESIDENT ADAMS
            and CRESCENT CITY anchored Dumbea Bay, Noumea,
            New Caledonia.  Comtransgroupamphibforsopac and
            Comamphibforsopac present.

0200  1300  Ships present this division held signal drill and
            debarkation exercises. 

I.N.K.                                    R.J. BADGER,          
                                      Lieutenant, U.S. Navy,
                                         Flag Secretary.

28 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON, PRESIDENT ADAMS
            and CRESCENT CITY anchored Dumbea Bay, Noumea,
            New Caledonia.  Comtransgroupamphibforsopac and
            Comamphibforsopac present.

0200  1300  Ships present this division held signal drill and
            debarkation exercises.

0500  1600  Comtransgroupamphibforsopac in HUNTER LIGGETT got
            underway and stood out.  Received Commander Task 
            Force 62 Operation Plan A24-22. 

I.N.K.                                    R.J. BADGER,          
                                      Lieutenant, U.S. Navy,
                                         Flag Secretary.

29 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON, PRESIDENT ADAMS
            and CRESCENT CITY anchored Dumbea Bay, Noumea,
            New Caledonia.  Comamphibforsopac present.

0200  1300  Ships present this division held signal drill.

I.N.K.                                    R.J. BADGER,          
                                      Lieutenant, U.S. Navy,
                                         Flag Secretary.

30 November 1942

            Comtransdiv 2 in PRESIDENT JACKSON, PRESIDENT ADAMS
            and CRESCENT CITY anchored Dumbea Bay, Noumea,
            New Caledonia.  Comamphibforsopac present.

0200  1300  Ships present this division held signal drill.

I.N.K.                                    R.J. BADGER,          
                                      Lieutenant, U.S. Navy,
                                         Flag Secretary.

War Diary for period from
4 to 30 November 1942,

           I.N. KILAND,
       Captain, U.S. Navy,
Commander Transport Division Two.


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